Learn about our pedagogical approach.


A quick look at our

Teaching Principles

A Love for Learning

We firmly believe that cultivating a love for learning amongst students is a top priority. If they love learning, there is no limit to how far they can go. Thus, our content is designed to be fun while educational

Experience is the Best Teacher

As Einstein once said, all knowledge comes from experience. We like to give students as much exposure as possible for them to learn through experience. Thus, we focus on teaching topics they are unlikely to experience in school, and give them opportunities to learn directly from professors whom they may not meet otherwise

Applied Learning

Industry and real-world case studies are integrated throughout our course. Each course also involves a rewarding hands-on activity that students use their newfound knowledge to complete

What is Applied Learning?

Applied learning is not just about applying theories to a specific problem. If this were the case, being able to solve equations and worksheets would suffice. On the contrary, applied learning is about learning how to apply your knowledge in a way that is relevant to real world problems.

Courses that emphasize applied learning are inherently hard to find because it involves specialized human capital, which is costly to find, vet and acquire. Our team is uniquely suited for developing applied learning because we have extensive industry experience and connections to do so.

Each professor that we consider for our program goes through a rigorous vetting process. First, they must be recommended by someone senior and experienced, such as the head of their department. Second, they must have some industry experience. Third, they must have an impeccable CV and come from reputable institutions.

If candidates can meet these criteria, we proceed to interview them at least two times, during which we assess their suitability. After they are approved, we then work with them to develop a syllabus that incorporates applied learning that is up-to-date and relevant to what top colleges and employers are looking for today. No course material or syllabus is confirmed without our prior approval. Furthermore, we have a moderator who will attend all classes in real time to observe and ensure that the material is delivered in the way it was envisioned.

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Why is Relationship Building Important?

Is your child too young to start learning this life skill? Not really.

Parents often tell us their child is too shy, or that their child doesn’t know how to interact with senior people. However, giving their child relationship-building exposure and  experience often takes a backseat.

Worries and concerns often reach the boiling point just before their child is supposed to attend a college entrance interview. Or, when the child attends college, only to struggle to build relationships that can open up opportunities such as research assistantships, admission to graduate programs and internships.

When parents or students reach that point, it is often a little too late to remedy the situation. Once an opportunity has passed, or an interview has gone awry, there is no way to change the past.

Thus, we want to give your child a headstart, and pre-emptively help your child in two ways. First, we give them the opportunity to build important relationships through office hours. Students can elect to register for private one-on-one office hours with professors. 

These office hours are safe environments, and provide no-risk exposure for students to learn how to navigate the complexities of social interaction. They can ask professors and students anything (as long as it is legal and appropriate), including how to do well at college entrance interviews, how to build relationships at college and even ask for personalized feedback. It is “no-risk” in the sense that unlike in actual college where the stakes are high – for example, fail an interview, lose a valuable opportunity – there is no real risk of “failure” in our courses. Our professors understand that our students are those who may be inexperienced but are eager to learn.

Second, we also offer peer mentoring sessions with Fudan University students, who are among the best students in China. For students who are more comfortable seeking advice from someone closer to their own age, this is a good option. There is also some science behind this: studies have shown that children are sometimes more likely to listen to peers whom they look up to, rather than people in positions of authority. Fudan University students may also be able to share secrets and tips that they have used to succeed at college. Similar to professor office hours, students who sign up for peer mentoring are free to ask anything they like as long as it is legal and appropriate.